Sunday, June 13, 2004

Cast & Crew 2004


Actress/Actors : ~
1. Angie (main character) : 16 years old teenage girl who becomes the victim to the social life.
2. Mum : Angie’s mum. In her late 30’s.
3. Dad : Angie’s dad. In his middle 40’s.
4. Queenie : Angie’s friend.
5. Johnny : Angie’s boyfriend who works at the club.
6. School Girl : The diary reader.
7. Mum II : The school girl's mother.


1. Angie : Rasheena Amit
2. Mum : Jacquelin
3. Dad : Kevin Yau
4. Queenie : Lowena
5. Johnny : Cornelius Christer Edmund
6. School Girl : Stephanie Lim
7. Mum II : Cheryl


1. Drama Teachers :
Ms. Latifah Y. E.
Mdm. Chan Siew Chen
Mdm. Lim Yee Fung
Mr. Ahmad Pangeran Abdullah

2. Script Writer : Stephanie Lim
3. Prop Masters : Zulhaizer and Abdul Hanif
4. Music Technician : Yashvini a/p Ganesan
5. Light Technician : Peter Soo
6. Makeup Artist : Thien
7. Costume Designer :
8. Cameraman : Mr. Ahmad Pangeran Abdullah

**We apologized that we cannot provide much information of this play as most of the details are lost in the time of this website development. Any inconveniences are much regretted.

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